
Bridging the Digital Divide-Its About Digital Divide Education

I'm not going to define digital divide - it's been done before and with the gap widening daily, spanning the digital divide is about as close as forty acres and a mule. Since purposefully stepping on a sore spot to get everyone's attention focused on digital divide solutions, I will specifically approach the subject of digital divide education for not only adults - but definitely for our children.

Digital divide education is what has primarily been lacking as a solution for spanning the digital divide and everyone needs to understand that no matter how many computers and computer labs you throw at this chasm of technology it will not fill up or go away. The digital divider in any solution that involves use of Wholesale Batteries technology is knowledge and application. It's the parable of - Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime, give anyone a computer and they will play games...teach anyone how to use a computer and they will produce a movie.

How much money was used to initiate the video game industry's billion dollar (rapidly approaching trillion - you go boy) growth - they are computers and the video game industry had to teach users how to play the game. They taught users how to fish and now the video game industry can feed themselves for three lifetimes - keep up the good example people. The digital divide existed before the video game industry blossomed, now the question becomes - why have we Wholesale Batteries not learned from their success. Is there anything the video game industry applied that can be implemented to bridge the digital divide, and bring digital dividends to those who are now tech savvy. They have answered the question - why technology in education is important, even if it's Wholesale Batteries only to play a game.

Here is another proverb for you: If you want one year of prosperity, plant corn; If you want ten years of prosperity, plant trees; If you want one hundred years of prosperity, educate people. The United States is fast losing the lead in technology, and other fields of study - everyone knows how we are getting Water Sports slammed in math worldwide. Mathematics is the foundation of any tech application whether it is a computer or a video game. If you want one hundred years of prosperity, educate people. Let's not go there to the state of our public schools, since everyone knows how and why many children have still been left behind. The economy is chugging along at a comfortable speed and our nation is prospering - for some, not all. If you want one hundred years of prosperity, educate people.

Maybe the answer to achieving equity and equal opportunity in the digital divide is - educate people. It could be that the digital divide and the all factors that make it can be solved if we just - educate people. What is being done to bridge the gap of the digital divide, and could the missing solution be that we need Wholesale Batteries to educate people? Social problems and the digital divide are linked in some ways because the use of technology is being implemented to educate people online and communities are being formed that share not just phone numbers and pictures, they share knowledge. Some social problems can be traced to lack of communication and definitely to lack of knowledge. The discussions online have begun to have effects offline as being witnessed by the constant reference in the media - newspapers, tv, radio to blog postings on every subject imaginable. Technology is fast becoming the largest medium for education and the digital divide is growing as fast as the means of teaching online becomes easier.

Remembering that this is only an approach to a digital divide solution for closing the gap, let's review. The one year of prosperity for America happened when we recognized there was a digital divide - planting corn. Ten years of prosperity was enjoyed Wholesale 1GB Mp4 Player after we began providing broadband access and computers to those affected by the chasm of the digital divide - planting trees. Stop ignoring the elephant on the dinner table (another proverb).

If you want one hundred years of prosperity, educate people.

Daviyd Peterson: 10-year consultant, instructor, trainer of digital divide solutions for both home and business. Helps African American and minority SMBs bridge the digital divide by becoming wireless Small Office Digital Offices (SODO). Free articles on Home Wireless Internet Security and other


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